This is an amazing, extraordinary story that deserves to be told EVERYWHERE !

Thank you so very much Mikhail for bringing it to us !!!

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Jul 9Liked by Mikhail Zygar

The brutal reality of power and ideology. Your story is both a stark reminder of that and a testament to the courage of those who dare to take it on. Thank you.

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Jailing poets inside Russia, bombing a hospital full of sick children beyond russian borders. Gorky said this, about a century ago: В русской жестокости чувствуется дьявольская изощрённость, в ней есть нечто тонкое, изысканное. Это свойство едва ли можно объяснить словами «психоз», «садизм», словами, которые, в сущности, и вообще ничего не объясняют.

It almost applies to Mikhailkov. But there's nothing тонкое about his slavish complicity in evil.

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